November 8 we will host our second “in person” meeting this year. Hopefully this will be the start of our return to regular monthly meetings.
On November 8th, Dr, Alex Tamm has graciously offered to share his evening with the membership and present on PMSA PET Scans. This is a new type of nuclear medicine used in 2 clinical scenarios: 1). in men with newly diagnosed PC who are at risk for metastatic cancer and 2) men who have been treated for PC and now have suspected or recurrent disease. Many of us may require this diagnostic tool as we continue to live with PC.
The meeting will be held at the West Edmonton Seniors Centre ( 9629 176 ST) commencing at 7:00 PM. Easy access from 178 St via 98a Ave or 96 Ave) Canadian Tire is 2 blocks north on 178 St. Ideally if members could arrive a few minutes early, we could use assistance to set out chairs, coffee, water. snacks. Besides, it would be good to see you all again.
I am always grateful when one of our busy Edmonton professionals shares their time and knowledge with the membership. These exchanges are critical to advancing awareness and building teams. Please come out and acknowledge Dr Tamm’s selfless offer to help us understand our PC journeys.
Of course we welcome you to bring along a guest that might find interest in the topic.
Terry Kirkland780 909-9960